Durga Puja 2023
We need your help in organizing Durga Puja. Together we can make this festival even more memorable. Your positive enthusiasm and contribution is our encouragement! Below are some items necessary for making this festival possible. You may contribute any amount for any particular item or for the overall expense.
Donation pending for the following items from last year:
সবাহন লক্ষ্মী মূর্তি - Lakshmi idol with vahana - € 375,00 (Full donation received) -Donated by Dona Bhattacharya & Saugata Nad ( 274€ -2023), Suravi Chakraborty & Abhishek Singh(50€ -2022), Lalit Kumar(51€ -2022)
সবাহন কার্তিক মূর্তি - Karthik idol with vahana - € 375,00 (Partial Donation Accepted) - Anupam & Antara ( 51 € -2023), Somatri ( 51 € -2023), Lalit Kumar(50€ -2022)
সবাহন গণেশ মূর্তি - Ganesh idol with vahana - € 375,00 (Full donation received) - Lalit Kumar & Dipika Mishra( 50€ -2023, 50€ - 2022), Koyel Chowdhury and Somenath Das( 50€ -2023), Bani Roy Chowdhury ( €51 -2023) , Arusha, Sayoni & Arunava ( €101 -2023), Kamalika Sanyal ( €51 -2023) Somatri ( €22 -2023)
New Donation needed for the following items :
মায়ের শাড়ী (৯টি) – Ritual Sarees for Puja (9 in total) - €121,00 - Donated by Amarnath & Karabi Shome
ষষ্ঠী পূজা - Sosthi Puja - - € 51.00 - Donated by Aneek Chattopadhyay
ষষ্ঠীর নৈবেদ্য - Sosthi Puja Offerings - € 51.00 -Donated by Oindrila Nath
ষষ্ঠীর ফুল ও মিষ্টি - Sosthi puja flowers and sweets - € 71.00 - Donated by Anshuman and Saswati Choudhary
সপ্তমীর ফুল - Saptami puja flowers - € 71,00 - Donated by Debarati Dey & Subhankar Dey
সপ্তমীর মিষ্টি – Saptami puja sweets - € 71,00 - Donated by Dona Bhattacharya & Saugata Nad
সপ্তমী পূজার ভোগ ও নৈবেদ্য- Saptami puja bhog and offerings € 121,00 - Donated by Dona Bhattacharya & Saugata Nad
অষ্টমীর ফুল – Ashtami puja flowers - € 71,00 - Donated by Abhishek & Kusumita Mukherjee
অষ্টমীর মিষ্টি – Ashtami puja sweets - € 71,00 - Donated by Shreevidhya Pilluttla and Tuhin Nar, Aadya, Neha & Manish
অষ্টমীর নৈবেদ্য ও ভোগ – Bhog and offerings for Maa Durga (Ashtami) - € 121,00 - Donated by Chandra Nath Dutta & Chhanda Dutta Mistri
কুমারী পূজা সামগ্রী - Kumari puja items- € 91,00 - Donated by Monali Dasgupta
সন্ধি পূজা সামগ্রী -Sandhi puja items- € 101,00 - Donated by Sumit Gopalan & Madhabi Gopalan
১০৮ পদ্ম ফুল - 108 lotus flowers - € 121,00 - Donated by Dibyendu Mallick & Sumana De Mallick
১০৮ প্রদীপ - 108 Lamp - € 108,00 - Donated by Aabir Mukherjee & Saarvil Bhattacharjee
নবমীর ফুল – Nabami puja flowers - € 71,00 - Donated by Sneha & Tushar Roy Chowdhury
নবমীর যজ্ঞ– Nabami Yagna - € 51,00 - Donated by Anshuman & Saswati Choudhary
নবমী মিষ্টি – Nabami puja sweets - € 71,00 - Donated by Lalit Kumar & Dipika Mishra
নবমীর নৈবেদ্য ও ভোগ – Bhog and offerings for Maa Durga (Nobomi) - €101,00 - Donated by Himadri Gorai
দশমীর মিষ্টি – Bijoya Dashami puja sweets - € 71,00 - Donated by Mousumi Sen
দশমীর ভোগ – Bhog for Maa Durga (Doshomi) - €81,00 - Donated by Swagata Manna
দশকর্মা দ্রব্য - Dasokorma items - €51 - Donated by Arghajit Adhicary & Satvinder Kaur
অন্যান্য পূজা সামগ্রী -Miscellaneous puja related items ( Decoration, Lighting, Storage of Idol , Event Halls etc. approx. €3500) -Donate as much as you can
Harshita Goswami (€ 21,00), Chanda Bedi(€ 101,00), Indranath Ghosal(€ 51,00), Shreya Bhattacharya(€ 101,00), Pramit & Oindrilla (€ 101,00), Sudip & Pretty (€ 111,00),, Indranil & Mousumi Mukherjee (€ 51,00), Debianka & Rajarshi (€ 101,00)
Help us make a difference.
You can transfer your contributions, of any amount, to our Tero Parbon ASBL bank account, details mentioned below.
ACCOUNT NO: BE31 3632 2076 3855
If you would like us to acknowledge your donation, in our social media platforms or website, you may mention in the communication "Donation: Your Full name and Donation Item".
A Big Thank you for your generosity and contribution !
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at teroparbonbelgium@gmail.com or call us at +32 466 20 99 94.